Long time LoL player here with some (possibly) obscure facts about the game right now.
I’ve been playing league since s3 and it never ceases to amaze me. After a hard day at work, I practically lost my IQ when I created Liandrys on Twitch. So, to save everyone from embarrassment, here are some intriguing interactions that may make a difference in a game now and then…
- The trundle pillar does no damage, but it does attract turret aggro and causes abrupt impact. One of the reasons he’s so excellent in support is because of this. The same goes for Anivia’s wall, Yorick’s wall, and so on.
- The turret will always attack Yorick’s wall first. When diving, may assist you in tanking a turret shot.
- On CC’ed targets, Samira’s passive delivers 6 distinct occurrences of damage, immediately priming Cleaver.
- Even when administered through W, the Twitch passive is always applied as on-hit damage rather than ability damage. Even if W (the ability) is dealing the damage, it’s strange. So there will be no rylais or liandrys rats 🙁 The same is true for other on-attack procs, such as Shyvana Q.
- It is possible to TP to J4’s flag and Thresh’s lantern. So, if you support/jg and your top pings are for TP, get rid of it.
- Certain numbers will be taken from the “target” rather of the “caster” by buffs. Vamp, penetration, and damage modifications are among them.
- Some “attacks” are considered spells. Swain’s Passive, for example, counts as a spell, granting 2 stacks to conquerer but not depleting Stormrazor’s energised stacks. Swain’s Passive is a spell that may be dodged by attacking the target while traveling near it.
- Muramana considers modified basic attacks to be basic attacks. Sylas Passive, for example, procs Muramana as an attack on the victim he strikes (1.5%) but as a spell on everyone else (3.5 percent ).
- Yone E may be used to cleanse a number of “timed” CC, including Zoe E and Senna W.
- Electrocute counts Kassadin’s W as two procs of damage. This was apparently recently fixed.
- When it comes to electrocute, you may avoid it by becoming untargetable after the third occurrence of damage.
- Every 0.25 seconds, LoL updates (EDIT: buffs). This means that timing zhonyas and GA is difficult, but it also means that turrets sometimes receive an additional shot when they shouldn’t or don’t fire when they should. Every 0.25 seconds, buffs and debuffs are processed.
- Some knockups, like as Blitzcrank E, move you in a random direction. It’s how the old knockups used to operate, and for some reason it’s still here.
- Fiora can never parry the stun in Fiora v Kennen since the Mark doesn’t apply when parrying (it’s a debuff that is disregarded while parrying). Braum’s passive was also fixed in Patch 9.10.
All of this is based on my memory, so it may or may not be true. Perhaps you people can correct me or tell me about any fascinating encounters you’ve had in your games.
/u/Caenen_ was kind enough to fact-check me 3. Oh my god, I learnt a lot. I’m glad I wrote this.
Original source: link
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