It’s all too easy for thieves to get personal information today, especially if the home network is not secured. Failing to secure it properly can make it easier for hackers to gain access and steal information they may need, including bank account information or credit card numbers. Thankfully, there are a few things homeowners can do to make sure their home network is secure.
Get a More Secure Internet Connection
It’s a good idea to look into more secure internet connections, as older connections can be easier to hack. It’s recommended for homeowners to look into fiber connections with 500mbps internet speeds or more, as this gives them much faster internet on a connection that’s far more difficult to hack. Plus, there are a lot of other benefits of fiber internet, too. As this becomes available in more areas, it is becoming less expensive, so it can be a good way to get more internet for less.
Change the Default Passwords
Many hackers are able to gain access to the wi-fi connection of a home because the passwords used are the ones that were originally used. If they have been changed, it’s likely the password is something that’s simple and easy to guess, like the word “password” which is actually one of the most-used passwords. Instead, it’s a better idea to consider changing the default passwords to a much stronger password. Along with the Wi-Fi password itself, it’s also a good idea to change the administrator password for the router. This way, it’s not easy to guess.
Keep the Router Updated
Always keep the router updated, as the updates are done to keep the system as secure as possible. In most cases, updates will automatically be applied, but it is possible to turn this off.

If automatic updates are turned off, it is necessary to check for updates regularly so they can be installed. If the router is too old and doesn’t have the latest update, it might be time to think about replacing it with something new.
Set Up a Guest Network
Don’t forget to set up a guest network for the router. This is the username and password that guests will be able to use whenever they visit the home. It allows them to have access to the internet, without compromising the security of the home network. Even in homes where there aren’t a lot of visitors who need the internet, it’s still a good idea to set up guest wi-fi at home.
Protect Devices to Prevent Access
Don’t forget to protect devices to prevent unauthorized access to the internet. This means using passwords, pins, and other security measures to make sure no one can access the device without permission. Follow the instructions offered by the device’s seller to make sure it’s as secure as possible and that any access is prevented. All devices in the home should have security measures in place just in case one is lost or stolen.

It is a good idea to take as many steps as possible toward securing the internet connection. Doing this makes it harder for a thief to gain access to personal information and means that it’s less likely the homeowner or their family will have their personal information stolen. Take these steps today to make sure your internet is as secure as possible.